What Secure income means for you

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., there’s an emphasis on the individual relationships we cultivate with clients. Finding a financial partner can be difficult, particularly if you want to pursue a number of strategies. Bryan and Briley, both licensed as fiduciaries, are obligated to put your interest first, finding ways to reduce risk in your portfolio while helping you safeguard your most valuable assets.

When everyone has a different history with money, there’s a lot to be said for professionals that can explain how each decision builds into a comprehensive strategy. Bryan Baca and Briley Baca have a knack for understanding the markets on a deeper level. When it shifts to new events, they look at how they can keep their clients ahead of the curve.

We Secure Your Income for Retirement

No matter your location, you have plans for your retirement. They may include anything from helping your grandkids through college to buying a houseboat in the middle of a tropical paradise. Regardless of where you see yourself, there are financial moves you can make today that can help you get there.

This is why we promote secure income—it means no guesswork. You get monthly paychecks during your retirement to support yourself, and you still have flexibility to play with the market. It takes preparation, often for events that haven’t even happened yet. Our firm might not be able to predict the future, but we can walk you through common scenarios and show you how to keep them from interfering with your goals.

What We Can Help You With

wealth management



Retirement Income Planning

assets under management


efficient tax planning

tax-free retirement

long-term care


maximizing social security

Wealth Management

An individual or family with a high net worth will ultimately have plenty of assets to manage. It’s easy for certain areas of a portfolio to be neglected or ignored entirely in this case, leaving resources to languish when they could be put to better use.

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., Bryan and Briley Baca, can help you see how asset wealth management ensures your assets are working for you. This may mean moving funds to different accounts, diversifying your investments, or donating to charities that you care about.

Asset and Wealth Management

Bryan Baca and Briley Baca have experience in many aspects of wealth management and can use the resources of a global leader with the customized plans of a boutique firm. This results in a portfolio that can withstand the volatility of the markets and come out ahead in the economic climate.

More than finding ways to scrimp and save, wealth management examines every opportunity to assess its worth before choosing strategies that will allow clients to live the life they’ve always imagined. As you get ready for retirement, you need to account for both the expected and unexpected financial obligations. Our team can help you understand how to approach wealth investment from the right angle. We don’t shy away from risk, but at the same time, we understand that our client’s comfort levels will play a strong role in the decisions made for their portfolio.

There are a variety of wealth management companies available to people who need more oversight for all their assets. The key is to find a company that will understand the themes of your portfolio and how your individual priorities will affect the decisions you make both now and in the future. The good news is that there are ways to secure your income through smart management for your retirement, so you still have financial breathing room once you’ve reached your Golden Years.

Retirement Income Planning

When considering how much money is needed to retire, it’s easy to answer only in the vaguest of terms. The truth is that it’s difficult to really know what you’re going to need to retire. You might want to pay for your grandchildren’s college by then or move to a warmer climate. You may find yourself wanting a modest home rather than a luxury villa.

Whatever it is you’re planning to do, you need reliable income if you want to be comfortable. Plus, you need enough flexibility in funds to account for worst-case scenarios. Finding the right financial advisor can help you round out your portfolio, so you don’t have to fear life’s inevitable bumps and bruises.

Replacing your income

If you’re wondering how to plan your retirement income, it starts with reliable sources. Swapping out your current paycheck when you leave your job with a new one is entirely possible when you have the right income solutions on your side.

How much do I need to retire? The real answer comes down to how you plan to live your life. While $1 million might be the most oft-repeated advice (if you want between $40,000 –$50,000 per year), it’s by no means guaranteed to fit to your individual lifestyle.

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., we educate clients from a comprehensive income planning perspective, explaining the pros and cons before letting them make educated decisions about how to move forward. Every financial decision carries some degree of risk, and we take the time to help people make decisions that are right for them.

Briley Baca and Bryan Baca are financial advisors who take retirement planning to the next level, opening opportunities up to clients that they might have never realized were even possible before. Your assets can be enough to build a retirement that meets your needs and more. It all starts with working backward from your retirement age, and then planning for the best years of your life ahead.

Your retirement income is the outcome that matters the most to you.

Efficient tax planning

The tax treatment of your portfolio has a lot to do with how much you pay the government every April. Too many people end up donating money to Uncle Sam—and the worst part is, they don’t even realize it.

From capital gains tax to Social Security, you need to know how your assets are being taxed, when to convert your accounts, and whether it’s worth it to defer taxes. As with all decisions, it will depend on how your assets have performed and what personal changes you may have made during the year. At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., we help our clients figure out how to preserve their resources whenever possible.

Efficient tax planning in a nutshell

The right financial advisor will know how to approach your portfolio from a number of angles, in search of the most efficient ways to plan your taxes. When they focus on its tax treatment, they can start to see how different accounts have helped or hurt your long-term goals. For instance, you might be better off changing your traditional IRA to a ROTH or researching how a 1031 exchange can potentially reduce what you owe for the year. Briley Baca and Bryan Baca can identify retirement savings strategies that your accountant might not have noticed, which can make all the difference in what you owe.

Tax codes can get the better of even the most conscientious investor. It takes a lot of experience to understand the numbers behind each dollar you pay. Lowering your income bracket, utilizing your losses, and restructuring your accounts require more than a head for numbers. Our advisors know how to use the laws to your advantage and can even show you how to allocate more money to the causes you care about in the process.

long-term care

Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance can be an important part of your retirement income planning if you live in the Oklahoma/Midwest region. Designed specifically for chronic conditions and serious illnesses, the policy can provide life-saving benefits when the policyholder needs it most. This is a self-insuring option that can cost up to six times less for quality care compared to someone without the policy. And if you don’t happen to need it, your estate still gets the value of the policy—tax-free.

Finding the right LTC product

Insurance is complicated and every policy comes with its own set of benefits and risks. Different companies will structure their plans differently, both in terms of what they cover and how they pay. LTC is a particularly complex option, one that may cause people to wash their hands of it entirely before fully considering its potential payoff. At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., we can show you how different products help mitigate risk during retirement, particularly if you have a family history of certain health conditions.

Most people don’t need to be told that the cost of services can take a big bite out of their retirement savings. They also don’t need to be told that long-term care is more than just the direct cost of medical care. A financial advisor runs the numbers both ways. They help clients decide whether they would be better off playing it safe by buying more insurance or investing in a different asset.

Briley Baca and Bryan Baca are specialists who know that LTC isn’t a worthwhile choice for everyone. However, it can be a way for couples and individuals to avoid the burden of exorbitant bills. Retirement is a time when people are likely to run into health problems and being prepared can make all the difference. For those who want to strengthen their profile, this can be exactly what they need to safeguard their wealth.


  • Long-term care is typically the most unfunded risk for retirees.
  • How will you pay for a long-term care event?
  • Who will specifically put their life on hold for six months or more if you were to need care?


Investing means different things for different people, which can quickly muddy the waters when it comes to how people discuss their finances. When it comes to asset-building, all that really matters is what kind of returns you make on each decision. So, whether it’s action figures or stocks, your portfolio can go in any number of directions.

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., we help people plan for retirement through smart investments. We work with clients from any number of financial backgrounds. Some people may need the money, others may just want it for peace of mind as they grow older and their family gets bigger. Our team develops retirement plans that tie in Social Security to create a base for your income before finding investment opportunities for the rest of your portfolio.

Investment advice for growth

A good financial advisor will do more than look at your portfolio and assess its worth. Bryan Baca and Briley Baca find out what your priorities are, and how you want to apply risk to your assets. Your values have everything to do with how your investment strategy will play out. Some clients won’t have the time or interest to invest in real estate while others are firmly against playing the stock market. The good news is that opportunities are available if you know where to look, and a financial advisor can help you find them.

Maximizing your portfolio will involve some degree of risk, but there’s no use taking on that risk if it’s going to introduce undue stress into a client’s life. Some people will want to concentrate their wealth in one industry because they know it backward and forwards; others will want to spread their money around in an effort to curb potential losses. We understand how important it is to find a retirement strategy that works for you and how a financial expert can integrate investment principles that can help you get where you want to be.

Assets under management

When you have multiple holdings to take care of, sometimes you just need to have someone looking over them on a regular basis. Assets under management starts with setting rules for your portfolio and developing the right philosophy for managing risks. This broad strategy can be customized to your assets based on your long-term goals. An expert financial advisor at Advanced Financial Strategies Inc. will look at not only the total market value of your investments but also the potential of each asset over time.

assets under management services

Bryan Baca and Briley Baca are skilled at providing clients in Oklahoma and the Midwest with the advice they need to get their assets under control. It may mean favoring different financial accounts, adopting better investment principles, or cutting your losses on an investment that hasn’t paid off.

In some cases, a person may just need a fresh perspective to identify assets that are performing against those that are either low-yield or actively hurting wealth management strategies. We can show you to look at your portfolio differently, giving you a new outlook on how to approach your holdings so they can actively support your lifestyle.

We know that every client has their own goals when it comes to how they spend their money. Some people are perfectly happy to have their assets tied up for years (e.g., in long-term real estate ventures), while others will need far more liquidity to take advantage of emerging opportunities. A well-diversified portfolio can mean different things to different people, which is exactly why assets under management strategies don’t work unless they’re tailor-made for you.

A money manager (sometimes called a sub-advisor) can offer separately handled accounts that take into consideration how you want your assets to behave and which markets you’re comfortable investing in. They can introduce a degree of risk that will maximize your money without pushing you out of your comfort zone. And they can help you monitor how individual decisions are actively contributing to your wealth.

tax-free retirement

A tax-free retirement may sound like nothing more than a marketing ploy, but the truth is that there are strategies to help you avoid “tipping” the government. It all starts with understanding how tax treatments affect certain types of investments and when diversification can play a critical role in how much you’re paying.

retire tax-free

Advanced Financial Strategies Inc. shows clients how they can adjust their tax bills if they apply the right principles to their portfolio. For instance, if you receive a distribution in one lump sum, it can push you into a higher tax bracket. Instead, you can split the funds and spread out the tax hit to ensure that your retirement isn’t plagued by unnecessary expenses.

Briley Baca and Bryan Baca know that how you spend a Roth IRA will be different from how you spend a traditional IRA. They know when it’s time to max out company-sponsored retirement plans and how clients should structure their contributions to different retirement funds. Every person’s finances will ultimately differ based on their careers, retirement goals, and previous preparation, but all people can benefit from having a skilled financial advisor take the reins.

As tax laws change and the markets shift, it helps to have freedom when it comes to how you manipulate your assets. Taking money from one “bucket” can be the key to keeping your portfolio from unnecessary financial hits. Your retirement years will vary, but for many financial advisors, they have to consider what a 30-year (or more) retirement will ultimately mean for their clients. They need to consider how company-sponsored plans and pensions will be treated by the IRS and whether you can roll over your money. It all boils down to whether your savings, investments, and retirement accounts will add up to be enough for all of life’s twists and turns. We can help you figure out what it means to get to that number.

maximizing social security

Maximizing Social Security is an important part of your retirement plan because it’s guaranteed for the rest of your life. If you don’t have the right strategies, it’s easy to leave thousands of unclaimed dollars (and the government is very unlikely to remind you that you are entitled to more).

Once you know how to claim Social Security, you can start to see the relationship between this revenue stream and the rest of your assets. Secured income is the foundation of a carefree retirement, one that can replace a paycheck with dividends from assets that you’ve worked your whole life to establish. From your pension to your investments, Social Security income can augment what you already have so you’re that much more prepared for the future.

maximize social security benefits

The Social Security benefits statement of each retiree will vary depending on anything from career choice to retirement age. If you sign up for this program without first analyzing your options, any mistakes you make can be permanent. In other words, you can’t rely on a Social Security estimator as a way to get the information you need! These tools will ask basic questions, but can’t delve into your portfolio the way a financial advisor can.

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., Bryan Baca and Briley Baca have the experience and experience to help you get what you paid for. If you’re going to contribute to the government for your entire working career, it only makes sense to first examine all your options when you’re ready to apply for Social Security. And if you’re not quite there yet, we can give you an idea of how Social Security will work to your advantage when you retire so you can start planning ahead today. This social program has changed drastically over the years, but it can still be an asset if you know the system inside and out. Rely on our team to help you maximize your Social Security payments.


Investing means different things for different people in Oklahoma and the Midwest, which can quickly muddy the waters when it comes to how people discuss their finances. When it comes to asset-building, though, all that really matters is what kind of returns you make on each decision. So, whether it’s action figures or stocks, your portfolio can go in any number of directions.

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., we help people plan for retirement through smart investments. We work with clients from any number of financial backgrounds. Some people may need the money, others may just want it for peace of mind as they grow older and their family gets bigger. Our team looks for retirement products that can be combined with Social Security to create a base for your income before finding investment opportunities for the rest of your portfolio.

Investment advice for growth

A good financial advisor will do more than look at your portfolio and assess its worth. Bryan Baca and Briley Baca find out what your priorities are, and how you want to apply risk to your assets. Your values have everything to do with how your investment strategy will play out. Some clients won’t have the time or interest to invest in real estate while others are firmly against playing the stock market. The good news is that opportunities are available if you know where to look, and a financial advisor can help you find them.

Maximizing your portfolio will involve some degree of risk, but there’s no use taking on that risk if it’s going to introduce undue stress into a client’s life. Some people will want to concentrate their wealth in one industry because they know it backward and forwards; others will want to spread their money around in an effort to curb potential losses. We understand how important it is to find a retirement strategy that works for you and how a financial expert can integrate investment principles that can help you.

Retirement Income Planning

When considering how much money is needed to retire in Oklahoma and the Midwest, in general, it’s easy to answer only in the vaguest of terms. The truth is that it’s difficult to really know what you’re going to need to retire. You might want to pay for your grandchildren’s college by then or move to a warmer climate. You may find yourself wanting a modest home rather than a luxury villa.

Whatever it is you’re planning to do, though, you need reliable income if you want to be comfortable. Plus, you need enough flexibility in funds to account for worst-case scenarios. Finding the right financial advisor can help you round out your portfolio, so you don’t have to fear life’s inevitable bumps and bruises.

Replacing your income

If you’re wondering how to plan your retirement income, it starts with reliable sources. Swapping out your current paycheck when you leave your job with a new one is entirely possible when you have the right income products on your side.

How much do I need to retire? The real answer comes down to how you plan to live your life. While $1 million might be the most oft-repeated advice (if you want between $40,000 –$50,000 per year), it’s by no means guaranteed to fit to your individual lifestyle.

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., we educate clients on everything from annuity products to retirement investments, explaining the pros and cons before letting them make educated decisions about how to move forward. Every financial decision carries some degree of risk, and we take the time to help people make decisions that are right for them.

Briley Baca and Bryan Baca are financial advisors who take retirement planning to the next level, opening opportunities up to clients that they might have never realized were even possible before. Your assets can be enough to build a retirement that meets your needs and more. It all starts with working backward from your retirement age, and then planning for the best years of your life.

Efficient tax planning

The tax treatment of your portfolio has a lot to do with how much you pay the government every April. Too many people in the Oklahoma/Midwest region end up donating money to Uncle Sam—and the worst part is, they don’t even realize it.

From capital gains tax to Social Security, you need to know how your assets are being taxed, when to convert your accounts, and whether it’s worth it to defer taxes. As with all decisions, it will depend on how your assets have performed and what personal changes you may have made during the year. At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., we help our clients figure out how to preserve their resources whenever possible.

Efficient tax planning in a nutshell

The right financial advisor will know how to approach your portfolio from a number of angles, in search of the most efficient ways to plan your taxes. When they focus on its tax treatment, they can start to see how different accounts have helped or hurt your long-term goals. For instance, you might be better off changing your traditional IRA to a ROTH or researching how a 1031 exchange can potentially reduce what you owe for the year. Briley Baca and Bryan Baca can identify retirement savings strategies that your accountant might not have noticed, which can make all the difference in what you owe.

Tax codes can get the better of even the most conscientious investor. It takes a lot of experience to understand the numbers behind each dollar you pay. Lowering your income bracket, utilizing your losses, and restructuring your accounts require more than a head for numbers. Our advisors know how to use the laws to your advantage and can even show you how to allocate more money to the causes you care about in the process.

long-term care

Long-Term Care (LTC) insurance can be an important part of your retirement income planning if you live in the Midwest region. Designed specifically for chronic conditions and serious illnesses, the policy can provide life-saving benefits when the policyholder needs it most. This is a self-insuring option that can cost up to six times less for quality care compared to someone without the policy. And if you don’t happen to need it, your estate still gets the value of the policy—tax-free.

Finding the right LTC product

Insurance is complicated and every policy comes with its own set of benefits and risks. Different companies will structure their plans differently, both in terms of what they cover and how they pay. LTC is a particularly complex option, one that may cause people to wash their hands of it entirely before fully considering its potential payoff. At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., we can show you how different products help mitigate risk during retirement, particularly if you have a family history of certain health conditions.

Most people don’t need to be told that the cost of services can take a big bite out of their retirement savings. They also don’t need to be told that long-term care is more than just the direct cost of medical care. A financial advisor runs the numbers both ways. They help clients decide whether they would be better off playing it safe by buying more insurance or investing in a different asset.

Briley Baca and Bryan Baca are specialists who know that LTC isn’t a worthwhile choice for everyone. However, it can be a way for couples and individuals to avoid the burden of exorbitant bills. Retirement is a time when people are likely to run into health problems and being prepared can make all the difference. For those who want to strengthen their profile, this can be exactly what they need to safeguard their wealth.

wealth management

An individual or family with a high net worth will ultimately have plenty of assets to manage. It’s easy for certain areas of a portfolio to be neglected or ignored entirely in this case, leaving resources to languish when they could be put to better use.

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., our financial specialists can help you see how asset wealth management ensures your assets are working for you. This may mean moving funds to different accounts, diversifying your investments, or donating to charities that you care about.

Asset and Wealth Management

Bryan Baca and Briley Baca are financial specialists who can use the resources of a global leader with the customized plans of a boutique firm. The result are portfolios that can withstand the volatility of the markets and come out ahead in the economic climate.

More than finding ways to scrimp and save, wealth management examines every opportunity to assess its worth before choosing strategies that will allow clients to live the life they’ve always imagined. As you get ready for retirement, you need to account for both the expected and unexpected financial obligations. If you live in Oklahoma or the Midwest, our team can help you understand how to approach wealth investment from the right angle. We don’t shy away from risk, but at the same time, we understand that our client’s comfort levels will play a strong role in the decisions made for their portfolio.

There are a variety of wealth management companies available to people who need more oversight for all their assets. The key is to find a company that will understand the themes of your portfolio and how your individual priorities will affect the decisions you make both now and in the future. The good news is that there are ways to secure your income through smart management for your retirement, so you still have financial breathing room once you’ve reached your Golden Years.

Assets under management

When you have multiple holdings to take care of, sometimes you just need to have someone looking over them on a regular basis. Assets under management starts with setting rules for your portfolio and developing the right philosophy for managing risks. This broad strategy can be customized to your assets based on your long-term goals. An expert financial advisor at Advanced Financial Strategies Inc. will look at not only the total market value of your investments but also the potential of each asset over time.

assets under management services

Bryan Baca and Briley Baca are skilled at providing clients in Oklahoma and the Midwest with the advice they need to get their assets under control. It may mean favoring different financial accounts, adopting better investment principles, or cutting your losses on an investment that hasn’t paid off.

In some cases, a person may just need a fresh perspective to identify assets that are performing against those that are either low-yield or actively hurting wealth management strategies. We can show you to look at your portfolio differently, giving you a new outlook on how to approach your holdings so they can actively support your lifestyle.

We know that every client has their own goals when it comes to how they spend their money. Some people are perfectly happy to have their assets tied up for years (e.g., in long-term real estate ventures),while others will need far more liquidity to take advantage of emerging opportunities. A well-diversified portfolio can mean different things to different people, which is exactly why assets under management strategies don’t work unless they’re tailor-made for you.

A money manager (sometimes called a sub-advisor) can offer separately handled accounts that take into consideration how you want your assets to behave and which markets you’re comfortable investing in. They can introduce a degree of risk that will maximize your money without pushing you out of your comfort zone. And they can help you monitor how individual decisions are actively contributing to your wealth.

tax-free retirement

A tax-free retirement may sound like nothing more than a marketing ploy, but the truth is that there are strategies to help you avoid “tipping” the government. It all starts with understanding how tax treatments affect certain types of investments and when diversification can play a critical role in how much you’re paying in the Midwest region.

retire tax-free

Advanced Financial Strategies Inc. shows clients how they can adjust their tax bills if they apply the right principles to their portfolio. For instance, if you receive a distribution in one lump sum, it can push you into a higher tax bracket. Instead, you can split the funds and spread out the tax hit to ensure that your retirement isn’t plagued by unnecessary expenses.

Briley Baca and Bryan Baca know that how you spend a Roth IRA will be different from how you spend a traditional IRA. They know when it’s time to max out company-sponsored retirement plans and how clients should structure their contributions to different retirement funds. Every person’s finances will ultimately differ based on their careers, retirement goals, and previous preparation, but all people can benefit from having a skilled financial advisor take the reins.

As tax laws change and the markets shift, it helps to have freedom when it comes to how you manipulate your assets. Taking money from one “bucket” can be the key to keeping your portfolio from unnecessary financial hits. Your retirement years will vary, but for many financial advisors, they have to consider what a 30-year (or more) retirement will ultimately mean for their clients. They need to consider how company-sponsored plans and pensions will be treated by the IRS and whether you can roll over your money. It all boils down to whether your savings, investments, and retirement accounts will add up to be enough for all of life’s twists and turns. We can help you figure out what it means to get to that number.

maximizing social security

Maximizing Social Security is an important part of your retirement plan because it’s guaranteed for the rest of your life. If you don’t have the right strategies, it’s easy to leave thousands of unclaimed dollars (and the government is very unlikely to remind you that you are entitled to more).

Once you know how to claim Social Security, you can start to see the relationship between this revenue stream and the rest of your assets. Secured income is the foundation of a carefree retirement, one that can replace a paycheck with dividends from assets that you’ve worked your whole life to establish. From your pension to your investments, Social Security income can augment what you already have so you’re that much more prepared for the future.

maximize social security benefits

The Social Security benefits statement of each retiree will vary depending on anything from career choice to retirement age. If you sign up for this program without first analyzing your options, any mistakes you make can be permanent. In other words, you can’t rely on a Social Security estimator as a way to get the information you need! These tools will ask basic questions, but can’t delve into your portfolio the way a financial advisor can.

At Advanced Financial Strategies Inc., Bryan Baca and Briley Baca have the experience and experience to help you get what you paid for. If you’re going to contribute to a government for your entire working career, it only makes sense to first examine all your options when you’re ready to apply for Social Security. And if you’re not quite there yet, we can give you an idea of how Social Security will work to your advantage when you retire so you can start planning ahead today. This social program has changed drastically over the years, but it can still be an asset if you know the system inside and out. Rely on our team to help you maximize your Social Security payments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a fiduciary?

A fiduciary is an individual who acts in the best interest of a particular person or beneficiary. Fiduciary financial advisors must only buy and sell investments that are the best fit for their clients. Fiduciaries have a bond of trust with clients and must avoid conflicts of interest.

If your financial advisor does not have a fiduciary duty to you, they may be able to recommend investments or products that pay them a bigger commission over ones that would be the best fit for you, which could cost you more.

Not all fiduciaries are financial advisors. Fiduciary relationships exist in many places where a high level of trust is required: Board members may have a fiduciary duty to their companies, trustees owe fiduciary duties to their beneficiaries and retirement plan administrators typically have a fiduciary duty to their company’s employees.

What is a fee based advisor?

As a fee based Advisor, our fees are structured so that we only do better when our clients do better.  This keeps us on the same side of the table as our clients, creating a win/win environment.